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About Me

My Skills

HTML5, CSS3, Sass, and jQuery

React & React Native

Python & Web Scraping

R & Statistical Analysis

Financial Modeling

Machine Learning with Python

Areas actively training in

Deep Learning




Web Typography

Advanced Animation


WSJ Scraper

Scripts to download all of the wall street journal's top 100 stocks

Written in Python

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Stockfuse Algo

Objects to automate your trading on stockfuse.com

Written in Python

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App that filters pictures with paintings, making surreal and dream-like images

Written in Python and React

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Deep Dreamer

Making your computer dream crazy shit

Written in Bash, Python, and C (bc of Tensorflow)

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Stanford RUF App

Mobile App for Stanford's Reformed University Fellowship. It provides a central location for information about meetings, events and so on.

Written in React and powered by Apache Cordova

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Booking Tracker

Web App that helps Rentashare and its house managers keep track of bookings across different properties.

Written in jQuery with FullCalendar.js

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Bill Tracker

Web App for the YMCA's Youth in Government program to help conference directors, participants and advisors to track of legislation and schedule schedule changes throughout the course of the conference.

Written in jQuery with a companion iphone app in Swift

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Open Speeches

Web App for Riverside High School's Speech and Debate team to store debaters' speeches so that future students can reuse material to more quickly write their own speeches. AKA a Github for Debate Speeches.

Originally written by altering Jekyll, but now written in jQuery and Sass

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RHS Team Management

Web App that helps Riverside High School's Speech and Debate team's coaching stuff coordinate practices, sign up for tournaments and track student performance.

Written in Python and jQueryUI

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Small Cap Stock Analyzer

Web App to parse data from Yahoo Finance and Simply Wall Street to find undervalued small cap stocks

Written in Python and jQuery

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Stock Flagger

A script that sends you a text message whenever a stock hits a certain price or moves in a certain way

Written in Python without using Twilio

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The Agent of Disruption

My own blog about finance and tech

Written in Jekyll

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  • Yoga (I do it everyday)
  • Tennis (I try to play every day)
  • Crossfit (I got into it recently thanks to a friend)
  • Movies (I watch an Academy-Award nominated movie a day)
  • Pro-Bono programming (I try to help non-profits by building small apps for them)


  • Filmmaking (my friends and I make short films sometimes)
  • Artificial Intelligence and its implications
  • Philosophy
  • Surrealist and Abstract art